Sunday, 1 February 2015

A bit of restoration

Vinyl Restoration!

This is not a medical update. I want to bring a little extra joy into this twisted world of illness. One of the chalenges of this period of incapacity is to take on the usual demons which plagued me through the adult years - and perhaps beyond! One such is untidiness.

Kym must have cringed every other day of our loving time together. I'm quite a messy old buggar. But quite coincident to these illness-dominated times she bought, as a self-joint Christmas present, a set of units from NOAH; a local charity supporting homeless people. I viewed the purchase with some anxiety or trepidation. My fear: I was to be, once again, in the frame for re-organisation. Kym has such a fair, firm hand when the going gets tough. I'm in good care - but the thought of everything been found a new place . . . . 

But the Lord is good and kind and aware of all our short-comings. No such fears realised!

So back to the point of the post.

These new units inspired me to comment - "I could set up my record deck and speakers on the top." Kym agreed and thought it a good idea.

I currently have no energy or initiative skills - certainly unfit to work at the moment. But, to cut a long story short, I pressed myself into action. Although my voice of un-reason was pleading - "leave it a few days" - I had a mission to achieve. 

A few minutes of tracing down all the leads under my desk upstairs enabled me to isolate the Sansui PD - 20 from the web of other leads. I could then separate the pre-amp and its adapter. The Akai RPM30 monitors were in the loft (I had almost decided to sell them to finance some other reckless Ebay purchase) Here's a shot. A shot of the new setup - with Kym dancing in the background!

To move the story along a bit - to avoid you dropping off - I am please to tell you I've set the system up and it works!!

When I say system - because that is what HiFi buffs would say - I only mean a small collection of deck, pre-amp and monitors. I will probably never have a HiFi system - like what the buffs have - because that costs thousands  - check out Richer Sounds etc.

Any way - Kym was reorganising our "studio" room upstairs and I was having a major internal stress in case I had to lose my little audio area.

But despite my fears, Kym is so much better than the usual and I've been advised to move a couple of bulky items but overall not too much.

So at the end of the day; a good result. We have a room with good music downstairs which we can use and have fun. It's clear and available for personal use  - like now I'm listening to Sade - Diamond LIfe and writing this Blog - but also when guests come we can listen in the style of old skool.

If you've read my previous blogs you'll know, sort of, what's going on. We haven't anything further to say about the medical stuff. We were so happy to have my brother Pete and my daughter Sarah visit us yesterday. Sarah was in teh toppest form and entertained and intrigued us whilst she sort out our nails. Kym and I had a great nail job - mie are certainly perfect for fingerpicking the guitar and ukulele.

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