Thursday, 28 May 2015

Out damned spot . . . yet another character-building challenge

As I was breathing deeply in some eagerly waited fatigue-easing energy (keep it simple stupid!) another health-related matter ripped into my life. I say ripped because it came with pain. Pain like having an acid burn on the top of my head. It was accompanied by ear ache, dizziness and nausea. Oh dear thought I. Kym was also dropped into the mire of medical doubt and anxiety.

In one word - shingles:I surmised.

Google and the NHS website seemed to offer proof of this new treat. We had to contact the MAcmillan specialist nurse who advised an appointment with the GP. The result of this was a telephone consultation. The outcome of this reflected the uncertainty of the medic. Her suggestion was we wait because it didn't seem like shingles to her. She must believe in her own clairvoyance. We reluctantly did as bid. 

Bank Holiday Monday I woke with painful lumpy, blistery spots on the back of my head and collar area close o where the acid pain had burned. Further Googling and all seemed to point to a dose of stinging shingles. Remember I wake at about 04:00 so a n hour or two of mithering before I felt I could wake Kym. This tale does not warrant being a long one - so to the point NHS 111 at 08:00. After only a short wait and a charming young operator took my details and after the inevitable interrogation informed me that a nursing operative would call me within two hours.

About an hour later the call came in and she went through many of the same questions - I prayed I would remember the answers! She made an appointment with a town centre GP telling them I had immunity issues. Issues? I've got the lot!

We made the appointment and the doctor confirmed our concerns; diagnosing shingles. She prescribed some hefty dose of anti-viral medication. We were somewhat reassured.

It was an odd Bank Holiday Monday. Never mind as we had shared the Sunday with James and Sarah; celebrating Sarah's birthday. I have to admit that because of how I was medically feeling it was a bit tricky fully entering into the joy. But great to be together.

After a couple of days we were still a little uncertain about the diagnosis. Kym had spoken to the Macmillan lot with our concerns and they postponed the next chemo by a week in order to give me the chance to recover and the lumps to scab and whatnot.

We were still not completely confident so - another appointment. This time at my surgery. This time we had consultation with a very interesting GP - who had worked with the Ross on Wye Mental Health Team and told us a tale of how he was involved in an incident disarming an individual behaving oddly with a crossbow! He also told us of an adventure he'd had in the far north of Scotland. This was an eye opener on the world of General Practice - a GP with time to chat! Mind you he had poked me in the most painful part of my skull. Yes shingles!

Thanks to Kym for pushing the buttons, driving me to these appointments and generally coping with my madness and moods.

As this is an impromptu post - I won't enthral (bore) you with musical matters or other nonsense. This will have to wait until the next one.

Best wishes,

Roger & Kym

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